Sima Kuntao: slideshow photograph 1
Sima Kuntao: slideshow photograph 2
Sima Kuntao: slideshow photograph 3
Sima Kuntao: slideshow photograph 4
Sima Kuntao: slideshow photograph 5


Take your training to the next level in traditional martial arts with training in a complete KUNTAO system of INDONESIAN PENCAK SILAT and CHINESE MARTIAL ARTS. So if you find it difficult to use your techniques in natural situations and also find you cannot use the techniques in spontaneous application then this is the training system for you! SIMA KUNTAO utilizes universal principles of movement and application that will help you develop the core self-defence principles of your arts to take your knowledge further. IF YOU WANT TO: Feel confident in what you have already learned / Be able to use your training / Know how to defend yourself properly / Feel completely relaxed using your martial arts THEN THIS IS THE SYSTEM FOR YOU - SELF DEFENCE - COMBAT SPORT - ENERGY ARTS