Tai Chi Chuan is a traditional Chinese exercise comprising mostly slow rhythmic movements.  These movements were designed using Toaist health principles that were formulated for complete self-development.  Tai Chi is based on the ‘Tao’ the concept of the ‘Dual Aspect of Nature’.  The principles of ‘Yin and Yang’.  This is a term meaning the natural opposing forces that act to keep everything in balance.  Tai Chi is the method of returning things to a more balanced and relaxed state.

On the physical level Tai Chi has a perfectly holistic structure for today’s stressful environment.  The relaxed movements strengthen the body, concentrating on doing the postures help the mind to focus and the meditative aspects help develop the spirit.

Regular Tai Chi practice will massage and stimulate the internal organs, improve coordination & balance the circulation of internal energy.  While working the body the movements will help to relax and energize the nervous system.  Smooth and even deep breathing while exercising will produce greater muscular relaxation, calmness and clarity of mind. With relaxation tactile-sensitivity will also be improved and reactions will improve.

Once the internal organs are stimulated the body’s healing abilities will function more efficiently.  Feelings of physical vitality will be increased and the body will be encouraged to grow stronger and remain flexible.  Many people are fit but not healthy so these exercises can be a part of a gentle preventative or rehabilitation regime for better health and aid in recuperation from injury.

The sessions components are:


Breath-based rhythmic exercises that warm, stretch, energize and relax, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons & connective tissue  It is rewarding when the clients remember the warm-up routine.


These are surprisingly powerful static postures that increase energy and internal awareness of the body while helping to direct and focus the mind.  Great care is taken during this practice due to the sometimes disturbed states of mind that can be present in the session.  The exercise can reap great benefits but is done with discretion.


Each week if desired students will learn some Tai Chi movements that can link into a sequence that will become a continuous Short Form.  The beginning sequence tends to get repeated and adapted.


These are gentle co-operative partnered exercises that increase sensitivity and promote relaxed responses. These partnered drills help with the visualization of Tai Chi techniques.  A fantastic method to help understanding Tai Chi principles…This part of the session is quite important
in helping clients to cooperate with others and increases tactile sensitivity.