MOVING SPIRAL YOGA is part of the softer side of the SIMA ARTS and forms part of the system’s Internal and Energy Arts.  ‘YOGA’ means union and the emphasis within this system of yoga training is based on linking the postures through ‘Skillful Twisitng Movements’ instead of the emphasis being on the static postures.   Moving Spiral Yoga uses the Postures (SIKAP) of PENCAK SILAT used within the SIMA system in a slow aligned flowing way for Health & Energy cultivation.  Consistent training in this dynamic form of Yoga will show development in Muscle, Sinew, Bone, Breath and Mind.

MOVING SPIRAL YOGA has a 3-Fold method of training which stresses

1) Strengthening Muscle and Tendons

2) Opening Joints

3) Stretching of Soft and Hard Tissue.

The Movements are taught in a gently progressive way which allows practitioners to comfortably advance at their own pace.  Specific Breathing Patterns and Meditations are used while flowing through postures.  Postures can also be held with breathe training to make this a complete system of Internal Exercise.

As the practitioners become comfortable with Flowing from Posture to Posture then the movements become the KEMBUNGAN (FLOWER DANCE) which is used for Relaxation, Spiritual Development and Mental Improvement.

As this type of practice differs from the wider known HATHA TYPE YOGAS  in that the emphasis is on developing Flowing Continuous Movement as opposed to relaxation within holding of static postures many yoga practitioners see this type of moving yoga as a valuable addition to their existing practice.